Lorni Cochran is a registered Somatic Movement Therapist. She practices a developmental form of Movement Therapy that works with the body, movement, and sensation to release restrictive habits and patterns that often have their roots in early experiences. Through both therapy and consulting, she has helped a wide variety of children, adults, and families. Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen OT, Daniel Hughes PhD, Bruce Perry MD, Bessel van der Kolk MD, Daniel Siegel MD, and Pat Ogden PhD have strongly influenced her work. Lorni is the mother of three children, one of whom is adopted.
In this interview, we talk with Lorni about the neurobiology of attachment, the inherent trauma of adoption itself, the behavioral and emotional regulation challenges faced by adopted children, why holidays, birthdays, and school can be triggering, and how parents and teachers can help kids find a "window of tolerance" for living and learning. 
Content warning: Family separation.